At VetCare we follow World Small Animal Vaccination Guidelines and we encourage vaccination against viral diseases seen in dogs and cats in NZ. Some of these diseases are very common but can be treated effectively in many cases. Others, although less common, are very difficult and/or expensive to treat and can be killers. The vaccines we use immunize against a minimum of 3 viruses (see table below).

Additional protection is sometimes recommended where we identify certain risk factors.

Protection Dogs Cats
Basic Vaccines Distemper Feline Enteritis
Hepatitis Calici virus
Parvovirus Rhinotracheitis virus
Additional Vaccines Bordetella [Kennel Cough] Chlamydia
Leptospirosis Feline AIDS (FIV)
Feline Leukaemia (Felv)

Recent research indicates antibody levels obtained from many of the vaccines we use are now protective for three years. We have a computerised reminder system which will email or text you a reminder when the next vaccine booster for your pet is required.